Jun 7, 2009

Young soloists

It's a bit late to publish pics from March. As the spring flew by the photos were neglected. Nevertheless, I am still proud to have worked this year with two committed young artists, Glenn Reed and Lauren Kriel, on, respectively, Thom Pain (based on nothing) by Will Eno, and 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane. The titles below the pics will take you to their albums.

From Thom Pain

From 4.48 Psychosis


  1. It's never too late!

    Great post and interesting pics. Not what I imagined at all it would look like, but I suppose the superior pleasure is in being surprised. Wonder, that is, being the effect of novelty upon ignorance.

  2. Indeed. The value of knowledge may lie primarily in the pleasure of learning. Wisdom comes after.


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