Jun 30, 2008
Foofwa d'Imoblité (3 videos)
Foofwa d'Imobilité acceptance speech of the Swiss Prize of Dance and Choreography in Bern, Sw, May 2006
Jun 28, 2008
The Next Spatter
But I didn't write too much here at first, except to refer a bit to some other stories, some rather far afield of theater (though to me somehow now related to a particular paradigm of thinking).
Doing the Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab not only gave me something about which to write, it also has given me a modest number of readers (this blog surpassed 1,000 total page-views recently).
We Are In The Same Room.
In March, thinking about essays I might sometime write, I came up with the title "We Are In The Same Room." Since '05, when I saw Peter Brook's Tierno Bokar at Columbia, and went on to direct a Brook-inspired production of Wilder's Our Town, my theatrical thinking has been running in a particular direction -- or released like a caged animal to run in the direction it always wanted to.
I find recently that the zeitgeist has been moving in the same direction, and examples abound, including (not coincidentally I think) the use of a seemingly innocuous phrase again and again during the LCT Directors Lab: "in the room", referring primarily to rehearsal, but also reflecting an emerging group understanding and embrace of the nature of collaboration and presence. As the theater in America continues to undergo its biggest phase of change since the beginning of the non-profit regional movement, artists and managers will have to cope with collaboration and presence as increasingly insistent values that change the way we plan work, involve artists, and bring it to audiences. This is already happening in some places -- and getting more and more attention, which is the real point of where the zeitgeist is right now.
Nothing happens all at once, and everything I have to observe that is new is also old. But cultural advance always plays a game of leap-frog, doesn't it? Eventually, doing what has been done before, one finds one's self in a new place, doing something else.
What is really new is that what's old is losing it's power, despite it's size and inertia. All of which to say is that the post-modern avant-garde, now something like forty years old, is giving way to a new paradigm. In this paradigm, the avant-garde has been absorbed into the emerging mainstream, with a new leading edge that I've decided to call "post-identity."
Others are calling it "post-dramatic."
What I like best about these new namings, is that the "post" is the antecedent, and the objects, "identity" and "dramatic" are defined in hindsight, as they slip away... It's when we become conscious of the paradigm we were in, that we begin a new one. This is particular "new one" is characterized by an awareness of paradigm change, which tells me that this is really happening. But you do have to look to see it.
I am not a scholar or critic and I'm sure someone else is writing something about this somewhere else, but as the locus of my own experience, and as an artist, I see what I see and call it what I call it. The arts and our culture are moving into a period of "post-identity". I'll be expanding on this, as I draw it out from my perceptions, but as a function of the zeitgeist I bet you already understand what I mean. Michael Boyd, artistic director of the RSC, calls his efforts of the past few years "anti-zeitgeist", but he is "smelling," and is a part of, the new zeitgeist, in which who I am and who you are are not oppositional but shared.
Beckett feels funny and popular. Non-narrative events draw new audiences. Areas of the modern dance world are giving up resistance to capital-N Narrative, but still wanting it to be something else. Clowning is having a resurgence. There is a simultaneous explosion of new writing in some places, and devised or "theatrically-written" work in others. Narrative itself is having its outer layer of factual naturalism stripped away to reveal itself for what it has always been: the natural movement of collaborative representations of reality.
Narrative, at it's core, is an unfolding living shape, not a psychological dream. Live participation in form supplies its own living content. And theater, far from being a representation of another reality, is an experience of the reality we are really in.
It has always been this way, but we haven't exactly noticed that, have we? We think that there is, one the one hand, us, and on the other, art, but really it all happens together, every time. The old guard called this transcendence. I think it is what is really there to see, not other, but here. This is not a discovery--but it is emerging into the mainstream and so it means something different -- and it is the way it is all becoming. We are created in art. The theater creates us, or we resist, which is a creation of its own kind.
And a character is a phenomenon, just like an idea. And ideas are not dreams.
I've done a couple things since the Lab that relate to this topic, and I will be writing more about them... how praxis got lost in drama, how the virtual world brings us closer to the real one, and how institutional theater is -- and will be -- changing...
Jun 24, 2008
End of the LCT Directors Lab (before the Post-Lab posts)
(June 6 & 7)
It is high time I tied up the loose ends of the last two day of the lab... (You can read more about these two days in previous posts.)
On the final Friday morning of the LCT Directors Lab, a group gathered to discuss theater in the UK and Canada. Lab directors from each of our English-speaking cousin-nations talked with about 20 of us. In Canada, like the country as a whole, theater is divided into French (Montreal & Quebec) and English (Toronto et al), but new French plays are usually translated and done in the western part of the country, too. The relevant history of Canadian theater is all post-WWII. Our Canadian representative felt that the English speaking theater in Canada is generally too conservative (too many of the American “one-word-title plays like Proof, Doubt, Wit”), and ironically obsessed with both Canadian identity and the plays of Shakespeare and Shaw (in terms of its biggest festivals). Nevertheless, there is a great number of companies in Toronto, as well as several good seasonal festivals of newer and experimental theater in Montreal, Toronto and Quebec that are worth researching.
We are all familiar (or so it seems) with the ancient history of theatre in England, and with London’s West End and The National, and that there are a variety of healthy regional theaters, too. Scotland has its own national theater now, and similar efforts have been taking place in Wales. Of interest to me was learning that dramaturgs in the UK only work on new writing (directors of classics are expected to be their own “dramaturgs”), that in the current climate, the playwright is still preeminent, and that “new writing” is really almost its own genre (like “comedy” or “drama”, for example). Also, there have recently been tentative experiments with corporate funding, though mostly that is frowned upon, still being almost taboo in the UK. There are a few exciting new companies with a more European, non-playwright-centered, theatrical sensibility, like Kneehigh from Cornwall.
Although it wasn't discussed in the lab, the Royal Shakespeare Company has been undergoing a transformation in recent years. I recently heard the artistic director of the RSC speak, but that deserves its own blog entry later this week.
On Saturday morning (our last day), we had a couple of sessions, small groups and then large, with visiting playwrights. These discussions were open-ended, and mainly focused on where playwrights' and directors’ work overlap, both in terms of copyright and control; and also in how to negotiate a complex process of collaboration. There was general consensus that a director of new play should respect the playwright’s intent by asking good questions rather than suggesting solutions, and that a playwright should not intervene in the process between directors and actors... nothing earth-shattering, but good to hear out loud... A kernal of understanding began to emerge: that playwrights and directors need better forums to find each other and to form alliances to bring new work to theater companies and producers--and that they should remain loyal to one another in the process.
Most interesting to me was the way in which this last group of guests to the lab seemed like outsiders, sometimes trying to argue points and network—impulses many of us had given up at least a week before—and it was poignant to begin to understand how rare it is for a large group of people to spend enough time with one another to develop their own internal sense of respect and unspoken rules of civility and listening...
We had a final little gathering related to the logistics of keeping in touch and being ongoing members/alums of the lab, and a pizza party, and then people started leaving. There were a couple of dramatic exits (a plane to Germany, a life at home with kids), and then the usual devolution of individual goodbyes and relatively anonymous departures... and the sidewalk lingerers, and the inevitable Malvolio-like response to the ending of one particular lab journey.
BUT, in the evening, a certain core gathered again, like a multi-headed downtown phoenix rising from uptown ashes. At Drop Off Service, and then at 7A in the east village, the most social and connected among us clung to the lab-time incarnations of our new friendships. Many of these friendships will survive, but will change and evolve. For an evening, we held on to the moment, and an intense moment it was: reveling for several hours in the happiness of full fellowship: true peers celebrating a shared experience.
Jun 18, 2008
Tony Award for Meta-Contextual Performance Art
Playbill found the source:
Day Eighteen (in part) - LCT Directors Lab
I'm finishing up the last few posts of my account of the Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab slightly out of order now, but given that the Tony Awards were just the other night, this entry is most timely.
Anna D. Shapiro was our last guest, in the afternoon of our last day. Like Bartlett Sher before her, she urged us to leave New York City to develop as artists. For those interested in "making it big," this advice, having come now from the two directors to win Tony Awards this year (before they won), ought not to be dismissed out of hand. On the other hand, both were well-positioned to gain additional notoriety at prominent regional theaters, but on the other hand (if you have three hands), both are distinctive for their seeming ability to maintain an independent outlook while supporting the popular institutions for which they work. It's also worth noting here that young artists in New York City may be developing something different these days -- something "post-dramatic" -- than either Sher or Shapiro ever would have (more on that in a future post).
The majority of the lab members seemed to love Anna. She is blunt and immensely caring, in both respects just like her direction of August Osage County. In response to at least two of the younger lab members' questions, she zeroed in on them personally as if to make a psychological impact: don't think about "career", don't think about "regions" ("we are all Americans"), all these "distracting threads"... which she seemed to be cutting through deliberately with a pair of psychic scissors. One member of the lab asked her about the challenges of being a woman in a traditionally male field. Her response was as self-empowering as it was up-to-date. She said that it had not been an issue for her, and in her view, there is no longer an issue of gender discrimination generally for women directors, at least not for white women: there are groups that have it far worse, and she implied, in harder circumstances than in the educated world of the theater. Nevertheless, our culture and the media still "fetishize" women: on the first day of the New York rehearsals for "Osage County," a reporter asked her who her favorite designers were. Anna replied "why, the ones I'm working with on the show..." "No," the reported explained, "I mean your favorite fashion designers.." (!)
Anna's emergence into the commercial limelight is quite recent and she is coping with all the new "noise" in her life while maintaining a hold on herself, turning down the inevitable onslaught of work offers that do not speak to her sensibility. Both distinctively and universally, Anna described her impetus to direct as "the nebulous of like" while gesturing to the center of her body. This nebulous of like is simply what you (one or she) "like". It is personal, real, literally embodied in one's self, and one's right as an artist: to like what one likes. The challenge as a director, according to Shapiro, is to articulate that "like" to one's self and then communicate it to others, that is, to stand for your artistic intuition in the world and to get others to understand and join you in common purpose. She is an ensemble director first and foremost.
As a director, Anna also very much sees herself as a leader, and insisted that a good director is a prepared one – and one that leads a cast of committed actors with a clear articulable vision right from the start. In fact, she writes an "address to the cast" to read aloud at the first rehearsal of each project she directs, and requires her directing students at Northwestern University to do the same. Other approaches, she said, are "wrong!" (though could be accomplished in different ways, she then admitted). She is a relatively young director, and is so independently minded that I sense that at some point in the future she will abandon her own current approach, since most serious artists go through phases characterized by letting go of their need for control as their mastery unfolds.
Anna also demonstrated she believes passionately in acting, ensemble, community and (again like Sher) that our country is at a crossroads in a time of crisis -- and, interestingly, that August Osage County was not the most meaningful of her current projects in that respect.Since she was the last of our four prominent director guests, it is worth noting now that the grain of salt to take with O'Brien's, Wolfe's, Sher's and Shapiro's "performances" is that each implicitly or explicitly presented his or her own history -- so different from one another -- as the prescription for us to fashion a career best. Could anyone in that position do otherwise? What would that be like? But Anna's dynamic presence was more impressive than nearly anything she said -- because of her strong emotional connectedness and her ability to listen and really talk to us. More than any of the others, she stood for herself as an example of unfeigned authenticity: highly effective -- and rewarding.
Jun 15, 2008
What's the real argument?
Jun 13, 2008
Piano Premieres in London
Sarah, Harold and myself are all members of the New York City based new music ensemble Sequitur.
Information on the concert (for those of you in London) is here: Sarah Laimon at Wigmore Hall.
Jun 12, 2008
Jump into downtown theater ...

(from Travis Chamberlain)
I have curated another event at the New Museum, which will take place tomorrow night (Fri) at 7:30pm, and I think you should see it. The artists in tonight's event create dances and musical compositions that move at extremely slow speeds, aspiring towards profundity with near-microscopic subtlety. The culminating effect is mesmerizing and stunningly dramatic.Vangeline Theater fuses the traditions of Butoh dance (characterized by exaggerated, even grotesque, isometric movement) with an aesthetic inspired by glammed-out science-fiction movies like Blade Runner and Liquid Sky. Ray Sweeten processes music through an oscilloscope—an instrument that allows voltage signals to be viewed graphically—translating shifting claustrophobic sonic environments into a mysterious new kind of sign language.
New Museum
Ray Sweeten
Not to be outdone by Neal Medlyn's restaging of Beyonce's Live DVD, Andrew WK's pseudo-formal grand piano concert-in-the-round at the New Museum last month turned into a sweaty, blissed-out dance party with delightfully uninebriated geeky teens and not-quite-hipsters running around in circles and jumping up and down for almost a full hour right smack-dab in the middle of a very austere, deeply earnest museum environment. It was like watching a rock opera version of Lord of the Flies, starring the lovechild of Jerry Lee Lewis and David Lee Roth--and the piano was the bonfire. Read about here:
Village Voice Article
Or see what you missed here (skip to the 2nd half of clips to witness the crowd getting totally primitive):
Video clip
I'm very much looking forward to working with Mr. WK again in the not too distant future. Any man who can make a museum crowd sweat and shake like this is all right by me!--
Witness Relocation is a new company to me, but they've been around for 8 years (guess I've been looking in all the wrong places). Check out their latest show at Ontological, directed and choreographed by Dan Safer. You wanna talk about sweat? These kids could fill buckets. An exhilarating show about obedience training, having too many choices, making choices, getting slapped really hard, and playing games that you can't win. Or, at least that's what I thought it was about. "This is avant-vaudeville, conducted with brio and a cheery disregard for the fourth wall... Everyone has a grand time (including the absurdly charming performers). Safer's group feels so comfortable with radical techniques - borrowed from such icons as the Wooster Group and John Cage - that they can redirect them into pure frolic. It's liberating and silly, and their artistic forebears might even find it an awfully fun reunion." -Time Out NY
Witness Relocation
I haven't seen this production yet (currently at Ars Nova), but I've heard it's the ultimate apotheosis of my favorite pirate puppet rock band from some very reliable sources, and I just can't wait to check it out. I once curated and produced a battle of the pirate bands between Jollyship the Whizbang and The Scurvy Pirates at PS122/Schoolhouse Roxx. It was bloody, cut-throat (literally and figuratively), and no man was left alive. Still one of my favorite curatorial projects to date.
Jollyship The Whizbang
Day Seventeen, Part 1 (belated) - LCT Directors Lab
Our penultimate day began with a smaller group discussion of theater in Canada and the UK, with lab directors from among our ranks sharing their knowledge... however, I am going to write about this (and the evening's big party) in a separate post ...
Later that morning and in the afternoon, we attended presentations of two projects that were in rehearsal this week, the adapted Ernst Toller play, and a new play about a group of Gen-X friends who had lost a member of their circle. These projects were not directed by lab members, but are projects Anne was interested in shepherding and/or having us observe. The relative merits of these projects aside, at this point in the lab, I think we were all pretty tired of watching "presented work".
In the evening, Bartlett Sher came to speak with us. Bart's smart: an autodidact who really knows his stuff and is a study in contradictions. Like all of our director guests so far (except the totally unpretentious Aubrey Sekhabi), he was at least unconsciously concerned with presenting himself as a possible model and iconoclast, albeit in a down-to-earth way. His advice: learn & see as much as you can, work as much as you can, and stay out of debt. He seems to have followed his dicta, traveling and studying abroad, directing prolifically and returning to study consistently throughout his career, amalgamating his skills as an "interpretive" rather than as a "creative" artist. He even made a pilgrimage at age forty to learn about speaking Shakespearean verse from the English icon Peter Hall, who Sher criticized for his bland staging, but softened by claiming that Hall "is not interested in" staging. Like our final guest, Anna Shapiro, Sher advocated getting out of New York City, where the work of emerging directors is placed under too much scrutiny in an atmosphere in which it cannot be fairly appreciated. He also urged that we become artistic directors of institutional regional theaters: Sher himself runs the Intiman Theater in Seattle. A self-styled "rebel", Sher clearly enjoys taking risks that pay off in success. He also stressed the value of failure: an early disaster drove him from the Big Apple to California, and eventually to assist Garland Wright at the (old) Guthrie. Twice, he said, ambitious projects at his own theater seemed as though they could have caused bankruptcy. He also advocated for artistic directors to hire new directors and new designers as often as possible.
In Sher's early career and to this day, he claims to be highly influenced by the Polish neo-avant-garde artist and director Tadeusz Kantor. As a student of Kantor, Sher's work is theatrical and visually creative, often incorporating eclectic design styles. Having worked all across the country and increasingly the rest of the world, Sher is literally and intellectually peripatetic.
Sher is political, at least internally, and sees America in a state of crisis. Having moved more into the mainstream with productions of Light In The Piazza and the current revival of South Pacific at Lincoln Center Theater, Sher finds the political meaning in even his most popular successes (South Pacfic's themes of race relations resonate perspectively with the phenomena of Barak Obama). Contemplating his new challenges at the world's largest and most established theaters and opera houses, Sher says he sees all work as "site-specific". By this he means not only is any theater a kind of found space, like a parking lot, or an empty warehouse, but that every theater building has its own cultural "residue" and its own "semiotics" in relation to its audience in the present moment. Sher's choice to reveal the orchestra under the stage in the otherwise pit-less Vivian Beaumont, and (bucking current Broadway practice) to use old-fashioned full instrumentation and acoustic, non-miked sound are (I surmise) attempts to incorporate an awareness of physical surroundings and cultural circumstances into the production.
A pithy slogan to describe Sher might be "know who you are before you sell out." He said as much about himself. Sher's own emergence into national prominence was based partly on a series of four productions sponsored by several different theaters of Sher's take on Shakespeare's Cymbeline; Sher was able to work on his eclectic version (cowboys, Noh, etc.) for an extended period of time, until it became the first (?) American production of Shakespeare to be presented by Britain's Royal Shakespeare Company. Nevertheless, when asked by a lab member if institutional regional theaters could do anything to support longer, more exploratory rehearsal processes, Sher answered flatly, "No. Just get it done."
More on British and Canadian theater, Anna Shapiro, playwrights & directors collaborating, thoughts on international stuff and the future (and partying) ...coming soon...
Jun 11, 2008
O readers of lab blogging...
Although the LCT Directors Lab has officially ended, I still have the last two days of the lab to chronicle, including the final "future of the lab" session, after which I intend to write a bit more about the impact of the lab, the "international initiative" and its bearing on the future. I'm thinking, too, about rehearsal process and the nature of realism and other conventions -- thinking stimulated by the lab (and August Osage County). These "remaining lab posts" will likely be interspersed with other theater-related writing over the next few weeks... so please keep checking back!
August Osage County
Jun 10, 2008
Day Sixteen (belated) - LCT Directors Lab
Aubrey Sekhabi is the artistic director of the South African State Theater, a large, six-stage complex in Pretoria that must draw diverse audiences, and serve as both a magnet and developer of the theatrical arts in a country that is both old and very new. Sekhabi spoke unpretentiously and without stopping, for over an hour, telling us of his journey from a township where he made theater in community halls as a teenager, to being the leader of one of the largest theaters in South Africa. Sekhabi spoke with wonder, humor, naturaly humility and joy. His stories were dizzying, beginning in the 1980s during apartheid and carrying him and us headlong into the present. He spoke of arrest and interrogation, long travel to find work, seeking out and losing fellow theater-makers, and a series of improbable successes: all of his experiences seemed always to be punctuated with the notion “That would make a good play!” One amazing example he gave was the real-life tale of an abused woman whose husband would take all the knives from the house after beating her in order to protect himself from her possible retribution. Without the knives, the woman had to peel potatoes and skin chickens with her bare hands. Sekhabi, typically of him, made this into a play. He spoke of other plays he has written and produced that similarly held a mirror up to the lives of those in the audience. I don’t think I have ever been in a room with a theater practitioner so unabashedly enthusiastic, so very intelligent and intuitively committed to the idea that storytelling can change the life of a community.
In the afternoon, we continued our international conversation of the previous day. Beginning with smaller groups, we ended up all together, with perhaps eighty or more people in the room: lab directors and international guests. It was during this session that thoughts gelled and people expressed their ideas more freely – many more ideas than I can possibly relate here. Wouldn’t it be more valuable for a director to go to a different country and, rather than bringing a pet project of his or her own, direct one of their plays, so that the people there could see how they may be seen by a director from the outside world? Is it cultural imperialism for Americans to take plays about The United States to other parts of the globe? Can Americans – in any meaningful way – represent their country culturally? And what is the culture in America anyway? A number of us expressed our desire to travel without an agenda, to be open to learning a new foreign text, and to work with actors in their home countries. Anne proposed the idea of a global “web” of theater spaces that might be made available for rehearsal investigations and/or productions.
More than anything else, I was struck by just how different our cultures are from one another, and at the same time I felt that theater people the world over have much in common. The recent artistic director of the Royal Danish Theater noted that our conversation, so large and non-competitive, would be quite improbable in the political or business worlds: he seemed notably impressed by this. At least a few of us from different countries – in the final days of the lab – began talking with one another about the future. I hope these conversations will continue ...
Finally, a number of participants said they thought that the future of theater must be international. Most of those who said so were from abroad, which I think says something about us here in America. In a comfortable society oversaturated with mass media, much of our theater is perceived as a luxurious leisure activity, not a cultural necessity. Most of us complain about funding, but I think our relative lack of subsidy accurately reflects the priorities of the majority. Is it any wonder that theater in America is dominated by psychological realism, sentimentality and escapism, and that so many of the more serious plays are about minority identities?
In Europe, the evolution of theater seems more closely tied to larger conversations about national identity and more existential questions about cultural reality – questions that have been actively addressed in the post-WWII, post-Communist, and post-European Union periods, respectively. But something else is beginning to happen here, too. In non-institutional settings of late, there has been more work created that is devised from scratch, ensemble-oriented or community-related. Our final guests, Bartlett Sher and Anna Shapiro (about whom I will write in an upcoming post) both expressed their belief that America is undergoing a cultural and political crisis, and a period of important change. I think that the American theater could change in distinct ways, too.
In the evening, many of us went downtown to see Theater Mitu's The Apostle Project, sponsored by New York Theater Workshop. Afterwards, we went to The Scratcher bar on East 5th St.
Jun 9, 2008
Jun 7, 2008
Bartlett Sher & Anna Shapiro on their way...
I will be completing Days 16, 17 & 18 sometime tonight or tomorrow...
Addendum: the post describing Bartlett's Sher's visit to the Lab is here.
Addendum: the post describing Anna Shapiro's visit to the Lab is here.
Jun 6, 2008
Day Sixteen ...
When it comes, Day Sixteen at the LCT Directors Lab included the director of the state theatre of Pretoria (South Africa), and huge discussion combining all of us and many new guests from other countries ...
Then it was off to the east village to see Theatre Mitu and then hang out.
Jun 4, 2008
Day Fifteen at the LCT Directors Lab
Jack O'Brien may be a Svengali of theatrical love, but he's pretty convincing. Not content to sit and answer questions, when he felt that he was even slightly losing his audience he stood and conducted the remainder of his visit on his feet, performing his advice. He is an "old school" director with all the colorful contradictions of his mentor's generation's style of grandiose humility: that mentor was Ellis Raab. He is an aggressive director who serves. He trusts texts he believes in, but his embrace of his own theatricality is a dominating force. He claims total "innocence" as an artist, but he craves intimacy in his creative relationships. He cooks for actors and makes choreographers he works with live with him; he acts assertively to efface his own authority. He made it his mission to exhort us to believe in the theater as he does: theatrically, comprehensively, intelligently, inexorably.
Passing Strange is strange: an amalgam of gentle rock concert, narrative sketch, sung commentary, fun physicality, faux-Brechtian conceits and heavy-handed lighting. The overall effect is strange: sporadically stimulating and casually disconnected at the same time. Like a great deal of new commercial musicals it is not especially lyrical and contains no real dance. The staging is physical, amiably abstract, and intentionally self-conscious. Like all American musicals about being American, it is a search for authenticity catalyzed by love and melodramatic loss, and if one is in a bathetic mood, one can surely be moved. The show is not what one thinks of as "commercial" though there's no real reason it shouldn't be (compared to so many other offerings in recent years), save that its format is not likely to be what tourists expect from a Broadway show. But Broadway is a megaphone for disseminating ideas into the mainstream culture: in this context, Passing Strange encourages the emerging revival of upcoming post-war communitarianism, and continues the blurring of our image of what it means to be "black".
Former Lab members from Ireland, India, Egypt, South Africa, Italy, Korea, Denmark, the Netherlands & Romania, among others, joined us for an open-ended and somewhat overwhelming discussion about the potential intersection between religion and international theater exchange. Current lab members spoke little, but perhaps tomorrow's session will bring more dialogue and focus.
A large troop of us went to the Emerald Inn and the social die-hards among us ended the evening relaxing into our new friendships. We are clearly gearing up for a big party on Friday night.
Jun 3, 2008
Day Fourteen at the LCT Directors Lab
George C. Wolfe, director, producer, writer... was next. He talked about "Caroline or Change", "Mother Courage", "Jelly's Last Jam", "Angels in America" and some of his close colleagues. Wolfe talks quickly most of the time, riffing on phrases for repetitive emphasis, using his hands liberally and performatively -- he efficiently elicited laughter, "oos", "mms" and "ahhs" from the group. On directing, he spoke about connecting to a play's rhythm and finding its path of inevitability. On actors, he said he likes working with smart, opinionated people. He's quite comfortable with "crazy" people and their "monsters" and messy processes. He likes mixing it up and is unafraid of conflict, and "luring" the cast into his world of the play. He is consciously located in the politics of his time and his life -- in the theater and in America -- never playing the victim, and enjoying the power of his ability to be magnanimous and create his career on his own terms. He seems quite confident in his own paradigms of process and personality. He gave excellent advice in response to a lab member's question about how to navigate the tricky waters of directing a play one has written one's self. His personality is very much like the personality of his productions: pragmatically generous, discursive, entertaining and extroverted.
After lunch, our guest was the playwright Sarah Ruhl. Ruhl was refreshingly unassuming, non-dogmatic and precise. If Wolfe is an extrovert, Ruhl is an introvert: comfortable with others, but circumspect about her own process as an artist. The topic of her informal chat was "expressionism" which she immediately subverted by saying each artist reflects life as each perceives it. I interpret this as meaning that her own subjectivity is at the center of her work. She doesn't like formal readings or workshops, preferring to hear her plays read aloud in her "living room." She likes directors who ask perceptive questions, or even have little to say about her work -- as opposed to those with a "take", though she seems quite open to seeing strikingly different productions of her work. It was clear that she writes to her own standard. She does not pre-plan her work dramaturgically. Notably, she will often un-revise a script if she thinks changes have been made mistakenly for the sake of a particular production (usually the first or second). A writer's writer, she likes people better than institutions, and prefers co-operation over flashiness.
In the evening, lab directors representing non-English-speaking countries assembled as a panel to share with the rest of us something of what theatre is like, variously, abroad. We heard a bit about the theater history and current scenes in Germany, Italy, Israel, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, Finland and China. In each country, the relationship of the theatre to government, funding, culture, political history and audiences is markedly different -- and one can also trace interrelated trends over the last forty years or so. What should strike us most is that our relative reverence for the playwright in English-language theater is not the case everywhere else. One could also feel palpably the way in which the state of the theater in any particular place, irrespective of the work of any particular artist, reflects the current cultural issues of that place. It could have just been an impression created by the format of the evening, but it felt to me as though most of our "international" lab members have clearer, more objective views of their own cultures, and why the theater scene is the way that it is in each, than we have of ours in America. Listening broadly to descriptions of theater abroad, one hears "theater & culture" or "theater & politics". While this is true here, too, I want to say that we should become more conscious of American "theater & business", a reality we take too much for granted as fact, rather than as a cultural phenomenon. More on this, perhaps, in a later post.
Other activities generated by lab members have or will include a discussion about the challenges women directors face, how to find work as an a director, and speaking Shakespeare as directed by Peter Hall. In addition to the Toller play, another project is being workshopped this week. Both will culminate in presentations before the week is out.
Jun 2, 2008
The shifting point...
About half-way through, aware or unaware, something changes by measuring the beginning against the potentiality of the ending. After this point, one's experience stops leading directly to an expected point, but begins to move outward in many directions, and the possibility of meaning begins to crowd its way in and mix with the present and the past.
"Sleep, that knits up the raveled sleeve of care..." Dreams are the denouements of days, and the dreamer is the protagonist of larger life unfolding...
In conversation in the east village tonight with fellow LCT Directors Lab members, a period of evaluation began and turned from speculation and criticism into a question "What really makes for a good director's lab?" It was revealed as an earnest question by way of a moment of honesty in the face of challenge.
It is an open question because it is about the future: the Lab is no longer about the experience we have had or are having, except as exposition and the playing out of a particular conflict for each and all of us. Just as the question of Macbeth shifts away from a plot about a criminal and sinful usurpation toward an evocation of the existential nature of life's value, the question posed above leads inevitably toward another one: "What will the future of collaboration in the American theater be?" This larger question reflects personal and group struggles with all the features of a layered drama: economics, power, identity, personal agendas, culture, generations, the shifting of truth and perception from one person to another and one time frame to another -- and, in this case, the ability of those in the theater to learn from the theater on levels surpassing the realms of their own ideas.
And just like a good theatrical experience, while it may be profoundly true that we are always each at the center of our own universe, there is also a universe of others.
Jun 1, 2008
Day Thirteen at the LCT Directors Lab
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