This morning we worked on the section of Oedipus and then "presented" it. The leads did a great job, and the chorus dancing/moving and listening throughout brought a real presence to the populace and galvinized the role of the Choragos.
In the afternoon, I attended a workshop led by one of our members from the UK on working with playwrights. We went through a very effective exercise in writing a short play from a newspaper article, and then re-writing it by cutting the number of words by half.
The evening session was entitled "Who are we?" and included 30-second introductions/descriptions of ourselves by each of us, and some games designed to reveal various facts about members of the group... e.g., three out of our number have children, quite a large number have experienced a same-sex kiss, most of us like or want to direct Shakespeare and two weren't wearing any underwear.
At O'Neal's, I spoke for a long time with a lab director from Italy about the personal goals involved in being one of the presenting directors (me) here at the lab. She was very insightful.
Jean Smart Will Star in a One-Woman Broadway Show
The new play, “Call Me Izzy,” will begin previews in May and open in June
at Studio 54.
5 hours ago
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