Mar 30, 2009

Navigating the theatre blogland

Late to the party?

I am.

But I am finding, bit by bit, the varied and increasingly connected world of theatre
sites and blogs on the Internet.

I've been a fan of the Guardian Theatre Blog for a while: a rare example of a mainstream newspaper concerned with more than just pithy reviews.

My new jumping-off point is Alison Croggin's Theatre Notes, an Australian blog with an extensive, international list of other sites. I've included a rotating feed from some of these sites -- and others -- on my sidebar. It's always updating itself, so check back often and expose yourself to theatre from all 'round... Another inspiring blogroll can be found in the sidebar of hip British director Chris Goode's blog. His list includes not only theatre sites, but some cool "picture blogs", too.

Finally, a particular find comes from Canada's Praxis Theatre blog: namely, Augusto Boal's message on World Theatre Day. I found Boal's view that everyday life is a theatrical spectacle worth reading, not only because of what it may say about everyday life, but how it makes me think of my theatrical endeavors in more immediate, effective terms.


  1. This is a great list of theatre blogs and thanks for adding London Theatre Blog to your blogroll. I'd also recommend ANdrew Haydon's Postcards From the Gods blog and Mark Shenton's blog on The Stage. And don't forget all the theatre activity on Twitter too!

  2. Thanks! I made the additions you suggested. Just starting to find the Twitter stuff. :)


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