A sweet, and somewhat unusual article, was published overnight in the Mountain Express.
Here's the sweet quote:
“I thought you might want to alert Mountain Xpress readers who love good theatre that they should not miss the opportunity to see the Warren Wilson Theatre production of a new play called Fever/Dream by Sheila Callaghan, which plays through this weekend.
The play is a witty send-up of contemporary corporate life with a most unlikely derivation, Life is Dream by the Renaissance playwright Calderon de la Barca.
Now, Warren Wilson Theatre is always doing adventurous, unusual new material and always does old material in adventurous, unusual new ways. But what really makes Fever / Dream a standout is the level of polish, professionalism and punch that director Ron Bashford (in his farewell production at Warren Wilson) elicits from his actors, his designers and his entire team.
I’ve seen a lot of theatre in Asheville in my 40 years here, and this was one of the best. One of the occupational hazards of having been a theatre director myself is that I can rarely turn off my critical antennae. But I was so charmed by Fever/Dream that I stopped looking for flaws and was totally lost in the play and the performance. A rare occurrence for me, as Fever/Dream is a rare theatre occasion for Asheville.”
The full article is here.
And my last post gives some more info about the WWC production of Fever/Dream.
That's great, Ron -- wish I could come see it. Very nice piece in the Express. This afternoon Joe and I chanced upon a whole shelve of plays (in English!) in a bookstore in Taipei -- had a great time browsing (saw two copies of Our Town). Came across a great Paris Review collection of interviews with playwrights including Wilder. Would've purchased had I not needed a train ticket home.
ReplyDeleteJust goes to show how one's own culture is inescapable! Say hi to Joe!